The Publishing Show UK’s largest gathering of senior publishing decision-makers. Matt Shearer, CPO of Data Language and Tom Jackson, Director of Data Technology at News UK were invited to deliver a talk on how AI Auto-tagging is now supporting newsrooms in The Sun and The Times.
The message they wanted to convey was that Data Graphs and Tagmatic take care of the common information management and auto-tagging challenges that people normally face, so that a company's experts and data scientists can focus on their core differentiators.
Here's a short summary of their talk.
The Problem
Tom explained that The Sun and The Times used to struggle with inconsistent or missing metadata.
The Solution
They are solving this problem by implementing a centralised taxonomy and an auto-tagging AI system for all News UK properties.
The Technology
Matt then explained the technology behind this solution - Data Graphs and Tagmatic. They take care of the common data and auto-tagging challenges, so that in-house teams can focus on core business differentiators.
Key Takeaways